What You Should Know About an Effective Workers Safety Program

What You Should Know About an Effective Workers Safety Program

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There were 2.8 million non-fatal workplace injuries and illnesses in 2017. The statistics show the severity of workplace safety hazards across all sectors. Unfortunately, only a few organizations have put up the necessary measures to mitigate the risks.

Lack of proper workplace safety measures has resulted in reduced production. The reason being, the injured workers are forced to stay home until they recover. And when they get back to work, they are unable to maximize their potential.

Moreover, an unsafe working environment increases employee turnover. It is up to you to develop a workers safety program. This is to protect both your workers and financial assets. Check out these tips to help you come up with an effective workers’ safety program.

Your Workers’ Safety Program Is Not Complete Without Hazard Assessment

The first step towards building an employee safety program is to assess the working space for any risks. And make sure the assessment focuses on the everyday risks specific to your industry.

It is highly recommended that you let experts carry out the assessment. Also, distribute company-wide surveys to employees. Let them express their safety concerns.

The employees face those hazards each workday. Therefore, they are more likely to give insightful feedback to help you determine which measures to put into place.

Compare the professional audit report and employees’ feedback. This will give you an idea of how serious the problems are. Then separate the workplace hazards from activity hazards and environmental hazards.

The assessments should be detailed with photos where possible. Also, it will help if you assign risk assessment levels 1, 2, and 3 depending on the severity of the hazard. The idea will help you prioritize the most dangerous risks in a timely way.

With these tips, you can recognize hazards fast and implement corrective measures before the issues get out of hand. In return, you get to protect your employees from injuries and save your business from the associated costs.

Train and Educate Your Workers

Your safety program should include employees’ training. The program will educate them about their work environment and how they can function safely.

It is undisputed that properly trained workers are more productive. They are unlikely to suffer injuries while at work. Ensure that the workers understand the protocols and necessary protection gears.

Try your best to offer frequent safety training. This ensures the workers are up-to-date with safety requirements.

The best training should follow a systematic approach. Moreover, it should incorporate learning principles and ensure compliance.

You may categorize workers’ training into new-hire orientations. This is where new team members are taken through business safety rules and requirements.

The program should introduce the new hires to your firm’s procedures. The goal is to prepare them for specific instructions to suit their roles.

You may also try computer-based or training and toolbox talks. The ideas are best when updating the workers in case of any safety improvements.

It should include risk recognition and communication. Include detailed safety protocols, PPEs, control measures, and an overview of acceptable plus unacceptable behaviors.

Release Written Procedures and Protocols

It will help if you focus on business safety policies and protocols during employee training. Describing the procedures in writing exhibits accountability. The idea reduces the chances of misinterpretation by employees.

Establish safety procedures and detail them in writings for easy access by the employees. Include the policies in the Health Safety and Environment process.

And communicate them to the workforce. It will help if you review and update the policies annually while ensuring compliance.

The main challenge, however, comes in ensuring that the employees meet the safety standards and expectations. But you can enforce them through rewards and incentives.

The goal is to motivate and inspire employees to follow protocols and operate most safely. Incentives will encourage them to communicate openly. They will report accidents and hazards and try their best to follow the outlined rules.

Minimize Workplace Stress

Most employers don’t realize that workplace stress is a safety hazard. Besides being unproductive, stressed workers are more likely to be absent-minded. This increases the chances of causing accidents that will harm them or their colleagues.

As an employer, you should strive to offer a stress-free working environment. Check on your employees to ensure they are emotionally and physically fit.

Avoid delegating too much work to one employee or a small group. This helps to prevent burnout and pressure as they strive to meet unattainable deadlines.

Furthermore, create an open and comfortable space where employees can report any concerns. Make them feel that they can count on you for whatever. They are free to share their issues, and you will give them a listening ear and help them overcome those problems.

Invest in Quality Protection Gear

You may have the best safety training program. However, without proper protective equipment, everything else is bound to be ineffective.

You must be willing to invest in protection gears that are suited to your business. For instance, if you run a construction company, ladders, eye protection, and quality protection head hats are necessary. If you run a restaurant, non-slip shoes and hand-protection gear are a must.

Protection gears are a must whether working in a machinery-based environment or handling hazardous products. Depending on your business policy, you may provide the employees with the protection equipment or include them as a workplace requirement.

Evaluate the Program Regularly

Workplace safety requirements are always evolving. Regular training and inspections are crucial. But, you should evaluate the safety program regularly.

With this, you can measure its effectiveness. Moreover, you can keep it relevant through continuous changes.

Review the safety data regularly. Also, ask for employees’ feedback to establish the necessary changes to make

This helps you to establish if you are meeting your safety goals. If not, develop a more advanced program depending on how often accidents occur.

Protect Your Workers and Business Credibility with Effective Workplace Safety Program

A safe workplace is equivalent to productive workers. It also saves you from compensation costs. The program improves your business credibility by proving that you care about your employees’ well-being.

The above workplace safety tips will help you develop an effective and compliant workers’ safety program. This will keep your employees safe and your company moving.

For more tips and guides, keep checking our articles to stay updated.

About Post Author


Hi, There! This is Evie Mills. I am a blogger and a passionate writer. My key areas of interest are lifestyle, business, technology, and home decor. In my free time, I love listening to music and playing with my cute dog.
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