Small Business Lead Generation: How to Find Your Customers

Small Business Lead Generation: How to Find Your Customers

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In today’s day and age, it’s not enough to just run your business well. You also have to get online. But you don’t have to take our word for it. In 2020, digital marketing surpassed conventional marketing in revenue generated. That trend didn’t reverse in 2021, and it’s most likely not going to reverse in the future. If you run a small business, you need to start looking into small business leads generation. There’s no other way you’re going to build an online presence and bring in customers in the 21st century.

Small business lead generation can be a daunting task. It can be difficult to identify the right leads, generate enough interest, and close the sale. However, with a little creativity and effort, small business lead generation can be a success. This article will walk you through every strategy you can use to generate leads for your small business.


Make Use of SEO Keywords

One of the key areas you should focus on to generate leads is SEO — or search engine optimization.

SEO is the process of optimizing your business’s website so that it appears in search engine results (i.e. google searches) higher than competitors in your same business.

This might not seem important to someone new to the internet, but those familiar with the internet understand that 3/4 of people never even make it to the second page of search results. We were born into a world of convenience, and if you want your business to truly shine, you need to land on that first page.

One of the most important ways to optimize your SEO is to make use of keywords. Conduct keyword research and find out how people are looking for your products and services.

After conducting this research, you can fill your website with those keywords. However, don’t use them too much, or Google might penalize you. They’re aware that everyone wants to shoot to the top, and want to make sure that people are generating actual content. 

So what sort of content can you pump out?

For starters, why not start a blog? You can add value by teaching your customers about your industry, and gain traction by adding keywords to your blog posts. Since you’re slipping the keywords into legitimate content, Google won’t mind.

There are many ways that you can optimize your keywords, and it can get pretty complicated. We recommend leaving it to the specialists.

There are specialists for every type of SEO. There are those who specialize in SEO for consultants, those who help the restaurant industry, and even dental SEO services.


Get on Social Media

If your business is not on social media, you’re seriously missing out on some great business opportunities.

Social media isn’t just a way that young people communicate with each other. It’s changed the way that life and business operate.

Adding your business to social media means allowing the world to interface with you. If people have questions about your business, they’re able to easily ask them — as long as you’re there to provide the answers.

Social media is great for turning customers into regulars. Regulars who like and share your posts on social media are displaying your business to all of their friends.

When you get on social media, you put yourself in the way of success. Contemporary marketing is about meeting people in the digital spaces they move through in everyday life. Often the businesses that do the best don’t take out any traditional “ads” at all.

If you can create great content on your social media and respond quickly, you can establish your business as one that cares.


Make Use of Referrals

Who said that generating leads couldn’t be beneficial for your customers as well? By making use of a referral program, you can easily bring value to your customers while bringing in sure-fire leads.

Offer complimentary benefits to any customer who is able to bring in a referral. This will incentives your customers to go out into the world and spread the word about you.

All of your customers are an opportunity. When you use this tactic to gain more leads, you’re not just bringing people in one by one, you’re opening up a whole new world of possibilities. You don’t know if the next person who walks in because of a referral will be the one who falls in love with your business and talks about it on social media.

As you can see, if you make use of several of these tactics they can start influencing each other.


Get on Online Reviews

Online reviews are about more than just online reviews — they’re a whole culture based on interaction and trust. Are you aware that 93 percent of customers read online reviews before they buy a product online?

Online reviews have cut out the middlemen of advertisers and critics. Now, customers can let other customers know if the product/service is worth shelling out hard-earned money for. They know that they’re telling the truth because those people are likely reading other people’s reviews before they buy products.

It can be scary to open yourself up to this sort of criticism — but just think of how well it can pay off if you get good reviews.

Online reviews also provide a unique SEO opportunity. When you respond to your online critics, you can learn to master the art of working in your SEO keywords. This will increase your chances of getting found by new leads.

On top of that, you’ll get a reputation among people as a responsive business. People love shopping with responsive businesses.


Understand Small Business Leads Generation

As you can see, there are many ways you can go about small business leads generation. We recommend that you hire an SEO to work out some SEO keywords, get on social media, make use of a referral program, and set yourself up with some online reviews.

By making use of these tactics, you’re far more likely to have a business that shines.

For more articles like this, check out our “business” section.

About Post Author


Hi, There! This is Evie Mills. I am a blogger and a passionate writer. My key areas of interest are lifestyle, business, technology, and home decor. In my free time, I love listening to music and playing with my cute dog.
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