How Construction Renovation Can Expand Your Business

Are you ready to bring your business to a new, successful height, but you are unsure where to start? Our society revolves around making money. We all have bills to pay and mouths to feed. However, people don’t just accomplish their dreams overnight with little to no work. As much as we would all like that to be true, it just isn’t. If you are an aspiring business owner in Florida or already a business owner, you know that you have to manifest the things you want to create in your life. If you want a successful business, you first have to create an environment in which you can succeed.
Say you created a small business that has been going well the past 5 years, but you feel you can afford more employees and design more products to sell now that your business has been growing in the last few years. Expanding your business can entail many factors; budgeting, marketing, production, manufacturing, staff, etc. It can be a confusing process that can burn a hole in your pocket if not executed correctly. Nonetheless, if you’re expanding your business, you must first be open to expanding your business’s home.
If you are married and birth 5 more kids. You don’t stay in your small two-bedroom apartment. You have to upgrade your space for a newly upgraded family. Business is the same way. If you want to expand your business successfully, you must first create a space big enough to encompass your business’s future success. Many building contractors in Florida are ready to help your businesses accomplish their aspirations.
There was a recent project completed in Doral, Florida that is a perfect example of how a construction company can assist in your business expansion. One of their latest projects includes the construction of two new Class A buildings at the Miami Central Commons Business Park totaling in an additional 318,043 square feet! The business park was previously known as a Miami free zone and had two existing buildings. The team created a new space of over 155,000 square feet in building 1 and 162,700 square feet in building 2. This is due to the unique tilt-wall design his team in Boca Raton crafted for this project.
The team seemed to create over 317,000 square feet out of thin air! All jokes aside, the construction company in Florida provided the additional space for their client very purposefully. The building contractors conducted in-depth planning and knew it would be the most cost-effective way to expand their client’s buildings in Florida.
These buildings have a high demand for next-generation industrial space due to their foreign trade zone purpose. More tenants and more products would utilize the extra space. Now that Foundry Commercial (Owner of the buildings that were under construction) is equipped with more space and chic exterior, the perfect environment to maximize their business’ success has been created. It helps that throughout the renovation of the buildings, the Miller Construction team was able to keep them fully functioning by redirecting the parking lot and entrances during the time of construction. This ensures that your business’s sales and productivity aren’t halted during the period of construction.
Furthermore, most building contractors in Florida will oversee project management, preconstruction, design & build, and construction management. Meaning that as the client, all you have to do is be the voice of reason. You are there to verbalize what you have envisioned for your future company so the contractors can accurately design your dream space.
Miller’s Construction Team has extensive experience in over five hundred projects, and their quality cannot be understated.
If you are worried about how much your “dream renovation” is going to cost, don’t count yourself out yet. Construction companies in Florida serve as an extension of the owners’ staff, focus on objectives, foster teamwork, and provide a strict schedule including specific budget controls to achieve the clients’ goals. This means that your construction team is there for you to lean on.
If you have budget concerns or issues, your team is there to work with you to figure out exactly what you can afford. If you’re thinking to yourself, “I can’t afford anything. My business is hardly staying afloat as it is.” That is even more of a reason to give your business a makeover. Maybe, you bought an established business that wasn’t managed well, and your sales were directly affected as a result. You need to establish a sense of new ownership; let your business send a message that says, “New and improved is on the way!”
Sure, it can be a difficult task to spend an abundance of money when the cash isn’t exactly flowing in left and right. You have to think of yourself and your business as an investment. Think of your parents when you were growing up, your parents surely didn’t have to pay for your college, but it’s likely they did. Why? Because if you believe something can succeed, you must first provide them with the tools they will need to be successful. In the aspect of your kids, you make an investment in them by paying thousands of dollars every year to become educated and land a meaningful job after college. If you don’t pay the money for college, it’s likely to be difficult or even impossible to get an important job.
Running a business is no different. You have to invest in yourself and your business. You will receive the payout later if you pay the extra money now, allowing your business to improve its aesthetics, function, finances, and space optimization. It can be scary putting your business out there. Especially when taking risks, but you will always fail at the things you are too scared to try. Allow your business’s concepts and ideas to grow along with your office space.