5 Critical Managerial Duties Needed for Peak Performance

5 Critical Managerial Duties Needed for Peak Performance

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Are you looking for ways to improve the productivity of your staff by leading by example? Do you wonder what managing a team should look like? If so, then you need to learn all that you can about the critical managerial duties that you need for optimum performance.

As you might expect, a lot of the performance of your team rides on your dedication as a leader. Just like the coach of a sports team, you need a wide variety of skills to see higher results.

See below for an in-depth guide highlighting the many different manager responsibilities that will help you witness more efficiency with your staff.

1. Staying Humble

Being the one in charge, it’s easy to think of yourself as being better than those below you or that you bring more value to the team than they do, but here’s the thing: you don’t.

Those workers that you oversee? They’re the heartbeat of the organization. They are what makes the company thrive. Without them, you’d get far less (if anything) accomplished.

Car manufacturing giant, Toyota, knows this better than anyone. They are notorious for their production line that can be stopped by floor workers at any time. The managers in their company are used to cater to the needs of the assembly workers, not the other way around.

You must stay humble as you grow your career. View yourself as a part of the team, not the shepherd of sheep. Those on your staff have incredible skill sets and knowledge that you don’t, use that to your advantage!

Most importantly, staying humble is about accepting mistakes and occasionally taking the blow for your team. If an error occurs, don’t just point the finger at a subordinate. Instead, use it as an opportunity to fine-tune your operations and help you and your team learn from its mistake.

2. Show Personality

Effective managers aren’t the monotone, by-the-rule leaders that most Fortune 500 would have you believe. Those days are over!

These days, the workforce is mostly comprised of millennials who are (justifiably) looking to build connections and friendships with their coworkers and managers. If you walk in and start barking orders, they’ll turn their ears off, and far less will get accomplished.

The enthusiasm of your team will become a direct reflection of the leadership that you show. If you’re showing a passion for the work you do and the purpose behind it, then your employees will follow suit.

More personality will help you get through the defense layer of your employees. It can help you create a meaningful connection with your entire team, which will last far longer than the few years you all work at the same company.

Personality will also help you to think outside the box. You and your staff won’t be bogged down by the stereotypical “busy work” that prevents so many teams from accomplishing more.

Instead, your personality will bring out their personality. That will help them look forward to work, encourage them to think of new ideas to contribute, and so much more.

3. Encourage Interaction

Many things make Google such a successful company. But did you know that it’s also been voted as the best place to work, and for good reason?

Google is constantly thinking outside the box for ways to encourage their employees and bring out the best in every single one of them.

One of their most effective initiatives is the focus they place on keeping all employees involved within their teams. Google makes it mandatory for the managers of those teams to get every employee involved in team meetings.

Many managers have reported having to go 30 minutes or even an hour longer than their scheduled meeting time until everyone in their team had contributed to the conversation, regardless of the topic of the meeting.

Why do they place such an emphasis on this? Because Google knows the value every employee can bring, as long as they feel encouraged to speak up and throw ideas out there without being judged or told “no” right away.

4. Manage Incidents Effectively

Of course, being a manager isn’t all about rainbows and butterflies. You’re managing humans, and humans make mistakes. There will be incidents that you’ll have to investigate.

That shouldn’t scare you! Good managers know how to investigate these incidents and accidents quickly and use them as an opportunity to correct them.

Not sure where to start on that front? Don’t worry. Just follow these steps to investigate any problem efficiently and start taking action.

5. Strong Perseverance

Again, not every day as a manager will be a walk in the park. There will be fires that you’ll have to put out.

You’ll witness more failures than you will succeed, but that shouldn’t demoralize you or your team, it should encourage you! With every failure, your team is getting one step closer to accomplishing its goal.

Your workers will look at you for an example of perseverance. As long as you use failure as a tool and not a crutch, your team will perform more than any other group in the company.

Invest Time and Effort Into These Managerial Duties

Now that you have seen an in-depth guide on the managerial duties that you need to witness peak performance in your team, be sure to use this information to your advantage.

Take the time to browse our website for more articles on manager responsibilities, as well as many other topics that you will find helpful.

About Post Author


Hi, There! This is Evie Mills. I am a blogger and a passionate writer. My key areas of interest are lifestyle, business, technology, and home decor. In my free time, I love listening to music and playing with my cute dog.
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