What Is Opt-in Email Marketing Used For?

What Is Opt-in Email Marketing Used For?

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Over 306 billion emails are sent each day, but under 20% of those are actually opened. For email marketing to be in that 20%, it needs to be crafted to reach the right inboxes. Opt-in email marketing gives your audience the option to choose whether they want to hear from you. Essentially creating a custom target audience and increasing the reach of your email content. To find out more about how opt-in email marketing can work for you, keep reading.


What is Opt-In Email Marketing

Opt-in emails ask for permission from the recipient to send them emails. This is instead of firing out emails to people who haven’t explicitly agreed to receive them. This serves two distinct functions:

  1. To make sure that you’re only investing marketing resources in people who have expressed an interest in your product or services.
  2. Permission based email marketing is required by GDPR, protecting data belonging to EU citizens.


Opt-In Email Marketing For Quality Leads

When it comes to email marketing tools, the value of an opt-in email is underestimated. Knowing that the leads you’re emailing have expressed interest in your product is incredibly insightful from a marketing perspective.

Of course, being on a mailing list doesn’t guarantee a sale. However, if you have to perform an action (agreeing to receive emails), you place yourself straight into the ‘warm’ section of a marketing prospects funnel. These are people who want to know more about your product, and you now have direct access to them!

If your opt-in email marketing software also asks for other basic information from the lead at the point of sign-up, this adds even further value. With this information, you can build profiles of your target market which you can use to further develop your marketing strategy.


GDPR and Opt-in Email Marketing

Anyone in business across the world will have had GDPR on their radar in the last few years. Although an EU requirement, it actually has implications for any company which may hold data on EU citizens. This can potentially apply to pretty much any business in any country.

GDPR requires that consumers must agree to receive emails in a freely given, specific, informed, and unambiguous way. Not only this, but they also have to reinforce the consent with clear affirmative action.

This is why many opt-in email marketing platforms require a double opt-in, like clicking a link in an email to confirm consent. The best email marketing services will offer you the option to create a double opt-in function.

This not only makes sure you’re ticking the GDPR requirements but also confirms that your email leads definitely want to hear more about your services and haven’t clicked sign up by mistake.


Opt-in to the Future of Marketing

Thanks to Opt-in email marketing, spam emails are becoming a thing of the past.It keeps you GDPR compliant and helps to focus your marketing strategy.

For more marketing insights and the latest tech guides, check out our other blog posts.


Double opt-in

You can improve your subscriber list with effective double opt-in email marketing tools. Social proof is a powerful way to convince your subscribers that your products and services are worthy of their trust. You can include reviews, testimonials, and ratings from satisfied customers. These will serve as proof to new users that you provide quality content. In addition, you can use testimonials to boost your reputation and entice new site visitors to subscribe.


Lead magnets

One of the most effective marketing channels is email marketing, with an average ROI of 122%. Unfortunately, many businesses struggle to build their list. While most sites have generic email opt-in forms, only 2% of visitors opt-in. This is where lead magnets can help. Lead magnets can be almost anything your audience would find useful, such as a free 14-day trial or a private-membership community.



While you might not be familiar with the term “opt-in” in relation to email marketing, it is an agreement to receive emails. It is typically a one-time act whereby the recipient authorizes a company to send them emails. Some companies also use opt-out to collect personal data and use it for advertising.

Also Read: Best Tips To Changing Paypal Primary Email

About Post Author


Hi, There! This is Evie Mills. I am a blogger and a passionate writer. My key areas of interest are lifestyle, business, technology, and home decor. In my free time, I love listening to music and playing with my cute dog.
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