5 Reasons why you May Need Temporary Staff

5 Reasons why you May Need Temporary Staff

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Why do small businesses need temporary staff? Many reasons. While there are some benefits to employing permanent staff, many small businesses also spend more money when they hire temporary employees. A staffing company also takes on the cost of workers’ compensation and unemployment claims for temporary employees.  Overworked permanent staff also pose a health and safety risk for workers operating heavy machinery. Permanent staff may also experience resentment if they are juggling the workloads of two or more people.

There are certain times of the year when there is an increase in demand in terms of what your company has to deliver. When this is the case, you need to make sure that you have the adequate resources necessary and a team that is equipped to handle the workload. It can be seen as time-consuming to bring in temporary staff, but it could be the best solution. Here are 5 reasons why you may need temporary staff.


There aren’t Suitable Permanent Candidates.

Depending on your sector, it could be that there is a skill shortage – meaning there aren’t enough candidates available to fill a permanent role. The last thing you want to do is fill that role quickly but not have a suitable match. Thankfully there are great temp services available such as Corporate Job Bank which are based out in Phoenix. They have more than 30 years of experience matching talent with companies, so it would be an ideal choice for anyone looking for a temporary solution until you find the right person.


There is Too Much Work For Your Existing Team.

If you find that you have an incredibly heavy workload – you might want to check in with a staffing agency in Phoenix to help free up some time for your most valued employees. This will take a little bit of pressure off their end and will hopefully leave them feeling less stressed. If you have tight deadlines to fill, then temp staff could be the right solution for you.


Your Team is on Annual or Maternity Leave

Irrespective of whether or not you have a few team members on holiday, off sick, or on maternity leave – your customers still have a certain expectation when it comes to the level of service you deliver. If you think there may be too many top performers off simultaneously, you can bring in some temporary staff to help share out the workload. This will relieve some of the pressure off your existing team, increase their productivity – and allow you to hit the necessary deadlines.


You Don’t Have the Budget for a Permanent Candidate.

It could be that you do need an additional member of staff but don’t want to commit to the financial implications of a full-time staff member. A temporary staff member could be a more cost-effective solution at that stage until you find yourself in a better financial position. There are many different options for daily rates, part-time or flexible hours that could suit your budget.


You Need Specialist Skills

It could be that you have a project that requires specialist skills, that you don’t have within your existing team members – and that aren’t commonly found in a permanent workforce. If you have something that has an upcoming deadline, it could be that there isn’t time to find the person with those skills and that you need to get someone in the short term, so you don’t disappoint. If any of the above sounds familiar within your company, it could be time to look for a temporary member of staff to fill the gaps.


Also Read: Scaling Your Business: A Brief Guide


A temporary employee can bring a fresh perspective to your business. If you can provide a similar environment to permanent employees, your temporary staff will feel more welcomed and will have a better sense of ownership in the organization. They will also be more likely to stay on long-term relationships with your company. So, don’t forget to provide the same benefits as a permanent employee, but be flexible when it comes to the hours they work.

About Post Author


Hi, There! This is Evie Mills. I am a blogger and a passionate writer. My key areas of interest are lifestyle, business, technology, and home decor. In my free time, I love listening to music and playing with my cute dog.
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